The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability (2-year program) aims to train Mechanical Engineers with a specialized background in different disciplines related to sustainability to support the societal and industrial transition to more sustainable living, productive and organizational paradigms.
The MSc program offers three different curricula in the areas of:
Each curriculum directly contributes to the implementation of one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined in the United Nations Agenda 2030.
Design: focusing on product development with a structured innovation approach, comprehensive life cycle analysis and design, and production with the most sustainable technologies (contributes to SDG 9 – Industry innovation and infrastructure).
Energy technologies: understanding the generation and management of renewable energies and storage technologies, as well as the design methods and tools for system components and balance of plant (contributes to SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy).
Mobility: developing the next generation of electric vehicles, while digging into sustainable mobility, automated vehicles and transport systems (contributes to SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities).
The MSc degree is embedded in a wide international network of academic and research institutions because of the strong research partnerships at European level. In addition the University of Florence is an active partner of EUniWell. In this context students will have the opportunity to implement Erasmus+ mobility projects in a stimulating environment.